I always seem to be the most nervous right before I start speaking for the lesson, but once I tell the students to begin the bell work, I automatically feel a little more calm. I was able to have good discussions with the students, but some of the students weren't completely open with some items. I had to bring in some different areas to help them understand the idea. One example was when I asked Caleb, "Do you have any plants or a garden?" He replied with a no and so I tried to ask if his parents or anyone else he knew had a garden. He still was very stiff about agreeing to my question. I didn't really know what to say, so I tried to talk to him about completing an SAE of growing plants and assess health in the future so he felt relevance to the lesson and what he was accomplishing.
Throughout my problem solving parts, I thought I did rather well. I first described the importance to the students through a brainstorming session, then discussed what possible plant characteristics could be noticed in the plants. I did a good job engaging all students, having some be the scribe for me while others came up with ideas. Once they were finished, I talked about factors of the environment that could cause plant health to deteriorate. I broke the students up into small groups so they could interact with one another and create a list. These strategies seemed to work well with my group, because almost all of them were engaged the whole time, making them act up less.
I felt this lab went rather well, but I still got feedback dealing with my enthusiasm and being nervous up in front of the class. This feedback is well received on my end, because I enjoy things people see that I obviously cannot. I feel everyone has a different type of enthusiasm, but I'm just not sure what mine is yet. I also think the nervousness is just simply all in my head. I have to keep learning as I go, because these experiences I have make me a better teacher. Today was a good experience, and I feel the problem solving approach could do wonders for students in my future classroom.
Here are some links on enthusiasm and the love for teaching that gave me some better perspective. Teaching is something we constantly have to work at, but is without a doubt one of the BEST, MOST REWARDING PROFESSIONS
"What makes great Teachers"
"The love for teaching"